New year's coming up, and to some it's the season for resolutions! Do you have any resolutions? Anything you'd like to redo?
God is willing to forgive you anytime, anyplace for free. Here's what to do:
-First, admit your sin to God.
-Second, ask God to forgive you for your sins.
-Third, believe that God really has forgiven you and quit feeling guilty!
There. Done. The end. New Year.
He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. Micah 7:19
What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Romans 6:15.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Ready for a new year?
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Famous Failures
In this world of sin there's one thing we've all gone through: failure. It's part of the package deal that usually comes with learning things the hard way. Sometimes failure just seems to happen even after you've done your very best.
The good news in all of this is that the story doesn't end like that, at least not to those who choose to do something about it.
"Failure isn't falling short of achieving your goal, but failing to do something about it..." --A Sabbath Blog
Video from
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Film Review: "Secret of the Cave"
Secret of the Cave (2006) The story focuses on unselfishness and kindness. Filmed on location in Doogort, on Achill Island, Ireland, this film really shows the scenic landscape of the region. Though the heavy Irish accents of some of the actors may be sometimes difficult to undestand, the DVD comes in handy with Subtitles options in English and Spanish. The DVD includes "Behind the Scenes" and "Cave Saftey" featurettes. It also comes with director and student commentary tracks. Secret of the Cave is a student film by the School of Visual Art and Design at Southern Adventist University. Secret of the Cave is rated PG (Parental Guidance) for some brief scary mystery scenes, and for thematic elements. I'm guessing that by thematic elements, they mean the one Bible verse and the talks about doing things for others.... The film was featured at the 2006 Heartland Film Festival and won the Crystal Heart Award. It is also family approved by the Dove Foundation. Video from and available at Secret of the Cave trailer __________________________
Southern Adventist University
MPAA Rating: PG
Awards: 2006 Crystal Heart Award
Sabbath Blog Rating: (4.5 out of 5 stars)
Secret of the Cave is a modern adaptation of the classic, 1951 book (also titled Secret of the Cave) by Arthur S. Maxwell. The film follows Roy Wallace (played by Kevin Novotny), an American boy whose parents have recently divorced. He's dropped off by his father (played by Patrick Bergin) at a tiny fishing village in Ireland, where his uncle and aunt live. Strange events begin to occur on the island, causing the locals to believe it's ghosts. Roy refuses to believe the rumors and takes on the mystery for himself. When, all signs point to a nearby cave, Roy faces his fears and discovers the Secret of the Cave.
Secret of the Cave movie clips
If you would like to have your film reviewed by A Sabbath Blog, please let us know. Email us your name, your film, and some details about the movie. Send to:
Saturday, November 24, 2007
University running out food
This past Thursday, millions of Americans gave thanks for all their blessings, yet in a few hours, these same people made mad rushes to buy on-sale items before the surrounding mob did. And while all this is happening, an Adventist-owned university is literally running out food!
So what do you do to feed the estimated 3,200 students, faculty, and staff in a country where drought and hyperinflation have brought a national food crisis? Due to low food supply, Solusi University (located near Bulawayo, in the Southern part of Zimbabwe) is on the verge of sending its students home! The university has been facing this situation since February 2007.

Adventist universities in North America such as Union College (Lincoln, Nebraska), Loma Linda University (Loma Linda, California), and Andrews University (Berrien Springs, Michigan) are collecting funds for Solusi.
"This has to be an ongoing effort," says Larry Blackmer, vice president for Education for the church in North America. "Otherwise, Solusi will get a bunch of food in one load and none afterward." Blackmer anticipates the project will continue for six months to a year.
The first collection of funds, Blackmer says, has already been sent to the church's regional headquarters in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, where the money will be used to purchase food in Botswana, Mozambique or South Africa and trucked across the border into Zimbabwe. University officials estimate US $120,000 would buy enough food in Zimbabwe's neighboring countries to sustain Solusi for a year.
University officials say they plan to obtain an irrigation system and farming equipment in an effort to achieve food self-sufficiency within six months.
Solusi University, established in 1894, is Zimbabwe's largest private university. The campus also includes an elementary school and a high school.
Go out and help someone in need --anyone! I'll guarantee you'll have a warm and satisfying feeling, more than what any Thanksgiving dinner or shopping spree can give!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
"The Happiest Place on Earth" isn't Disney World...

I seriously can't wait to get to the "Happiest the Happiest Place on Earth!" Now in case you're thinking of Disney World, let me correct myself: "The Happiest Place that will be on Earth!" Of course I'm talking about heaven! Think about it, Jesus is coming back for the second time to pick you up and take you to heaven! No more crying, no more death, no more sin…. Happiest place on earth, remember?
What will the New Jerusalem look like?
Spending time with my Savior is going to be so amazing! I really don't want to miss out! Hope to see you there!
Video from and available at
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Generation of Youth for Christ 2007
Video from and available at
Last year, over 2,600 young people registered for the Generation of Youth for Christ meetings in Baltimore, Maryland. Over 4,000 showed up for the Sabbath events and activities. Now if you're going, "Wait, what? 4,000 young people like me, and I wasn't there? What's going on?" then allow me to explain. Generation of Youth for Christ (formerly General Youth Conference) is an Adventist movement organized and led by young adults. Since the first annual conference in 2002, more and more people are attending every year.
This year’s conference will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minnesota from December 19-23, 2007. And what is this year’s theme? Simple: “Be,” as in “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Roman 12:2) With 17 seminars and their national and internationally recognized presenters along with 8 plenary speakers, this year’s conference is sure to be inspirational!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Adventist Church on BiggyTV
Sample video from
The Adventist Church has partnered with a video distributor's website, Biggy TV for getting professional Seventh-day Adventist-produced videos "to a vast and largely untapped Internet audience."
Content on The Adventist Channel -- ranging from health and wellness programs to music and mission videos -- can be added directly to North America's more than 5,500 individual church Web sites, says Fred Kinsey, the region's church communication director.
"We're offering incredible content a church in, say, Omaha, Nebraska, can't get by itself," says Kinsey. "Digital video of this quality would be too expensive to create and distribute. It's free for us, so it's free for them." According to Kinsey, The Adventist Channel will add a dozen new videos each week.
The Adventist Channel, he adds, is not meant to replace or meddle with other church media, such as Hope Television. We want to figure out how to 'cross-pollinate' between HopeTV and The Adventist Channel.
You can see the site at
Source: Adventist News Network
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Hymns and Noah
If you can't read what the picture say, here's it is:
Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's Ark.....
1.) Don't miss the boat.
2.) Remember that we're all in the same boat.
3.) Plan ahead, it wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
4.) Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
5.) Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that has to be done.
6.) Build your future on high ground.
7.) For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
8.) Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
9.) When you're stressed, float a while.
10.) Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
11.) No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting. :)
How well do you know your hymns? Enjoy!
The Politician's Hymn:
--Standing on the Promises
The Florist's Hymn:
--In the Garden
Optometrist's Hymn:
45mph ------------ God Will Take Care of You
Saturday, October 13, 2007
New Adventist Reality/Documentary
• "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." - Genesis 1:1
• "In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands." - Psalms 102:25
• "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - John 1:1
It's pretty straightforward, yet a lot of people believe differently. In the latest documentary/reality show by director and producer Paul Kim, takes two college students, Tiffany and Matt, on 7,500-mile road trip across the U.S. They travel to different places such as the Grand Canyon, Southern California, Wyoming, Maryland, and Tennessee. They interview experts and bystanders, asking them how we got here, and compare it to what the Bible says.
I found it a lot of fun to watch on Sabbath afternoons. You can watch the series on the Hope Channel, or you can watch the individual episodes online. You can buy the entire series at AdventSource.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Adventist MySpace?
We all know what MySpace, Facebook, and Xanga are. We don't even say: "" 'cause we all know where to find it. The General Conference Youth department is working on a social networking website for Adventist youth. They want to make a place without bad ads or bad content. A place where you can click to find out what the church is doing for us, what volunteer project are going on, etc.., all in the same site.
The idea is still an idea, and hasn't been made into a website. The department would like to know if anyone would be interested and if they'd switch from their MySpace or Facebook to this new one... You can find out more information on the project by going to the World Youth Ministries Director's blog. Oh and you could also win a free iPod Shuffle...
Perhaps in a couple of years we'll also call this new website by its first name! ;)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
2009 Pathfinder Camporee
Ah yes! The 2009 Pathfinder Camporee loomes within the next 2 years, and already you can check out their site. The name of this camporee is Courage to Stand. So, while exploring the Internet, I've stumbled across this image:
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The Cracked Pot
I've heard and seen this many times going around in forwarded emails, websites, and speakers. Yet its simple story says a lot. Enjoy.
"The Cracked Pot"
A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.
For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream.
"I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you."
"Why?" asked the bearer. "What are you ashamed of?"
"I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts," the pot said.
The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, "As we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path." Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some.
But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them.
For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house."
Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all cracked pots. But if we will allow it, the Lord will use our flaws to grace His Father's table.
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Let's Talk
Have you ever felt left out of your church or feel like no one ever listens to your ideas? There's a series of programs called Let's Talk currently being aired on the HOPE Channel. It's specifically designed for young adults who have questions on their mind that they'd like to ask the church president, Jan Paulsen. You can ask questions straight to the president's office and a representative will try to answer your questions. if you'd like to ask a question or find out more go to
Video from
*Video download available for free at owner's site.
Friday, June 22, 2007
We want you to join us!
That's right! We want you to be a part of A Sabbath Blog! If you're a youth, and want to let people know just how much you love your Jesus, here's how!
Tip us on awesome youth events or news; tell us about awesome youth books, music, or movies, too! Send us your awesome youth videos or links of ones you've found online! Email us links of your favorite youth websites or tell us one of your favorite stories! Let us know about any organization you discover that shares their love for Jesus! If you send it, we may just put it up!
If you have any other thing that you'd like to share with us and the world about Jesus, let A Sabbath Blog know.
How to submit:
Send your material to or try using our contact form.
If you're sending us a picture audio, or video, please send it as an attachment. Type "A Sabbath Blog Submission" in the email's subject title.
Rules and Guidelines
Whatever you send to us, be sure that it is Sabbath appropriate (hence, the name: A Sabbath Blog). Here's something else you should keep in mind, whatever you send could be used on the site where it is available to anyone in the world.
Don't submit any material containing profanities, rude, racist, or hateful comments. Don't submit any sexy or violent material. If you send us anything containing these things, we won't be accepting anything else from you in the future. You must be 13 years old or older to send us material.
By submitting your material, you are giving us right to edit, broadcast, publish, distribute, and reuse the submitted material without any fees, perpetually. Only submit to us material that you have made. A Sabbath Blog assumes that all submitted material does not infringe any sort copyright whatsoever and cannot be held responsible for the editing, broadcasting, publishing, or distributing of submitted content. By sending us material, we assume you are over 13 years old and have your parent or guardian's permission. We reserve the right to give credit the sender of submitted material any time we use it. We will also consider the sender's request to not receive credit.
Hope to hear from you soon!
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More information:
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Awesome sites
Here are some of the websites that we think are especially awesome. Check 'em out! Note: A Sabbath Blog is not responsible for the content of external websites.
Adventist Church Official Website
Official website for the Adventist World Church
Adventist News Network
Official news agency of the Adventist church
NAD Youth Ministries
North American Division Youth Ministries Department
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Helping people in need, all around the world, no matter who they are.
A Sabbath Blog Videos
Christian videos hosted on YouTube
Bible Info
Bible Info's got answers to your Bible questions
Center for Youth Evangelism
Its name pretty much sums it up...
Envision Magazine
A Christian magazine run by students at Andrews University.
2014 "Forever Faithful" Intl. Pathfinder Camporee
The largest Pathfinder camporee camps again in 2014
General Conference Youth Ministries
General Conference Youth Ministries Department
Generation of Youth for Christ
Equipping young people to be ambassadors for Christ
Ground 7 News
Official news podcast for the Adventist Church
Guide Magazine Online
Guide Magazine is for kids ages 10-14
Insight Magazine
No really.... they've actually got insight
Sharing the Present Truth of Salvation
Screen Smart
Guide Magazine's movie reviews so you too can be screen smart!
Insight Magazine's social networking site
What We Believe
Seventh-Day Adventist beliefs
Your Story Hour
"Hey Mom, Dad, Sis! Your Story Hour's on!"
If you would like to have your link added to our site, simply send it to us at We'll review the site, and if it's accepted, you'll be able to find it here!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
About "A Sabbath Blog"
Who We Are
Run by Adventist youth, A Sabbath Blog is a Christian blog for other youth to learn more about God. From youth events and meetings to movies and music, we post on the different ways people are sharing Jesus around the world.
If you know of something amazing that you'd love for us to blog on, tell us! Send us your stuff (or tell us where to get it), and we might put it on! Please contact us if you have ideas, leads, or content submissions to upload to the site by emailing us. Be sure it follows our guidelines, first.
What We Believe
Here's a summary of our Christian beliefs as found in the Bible.
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Our Privacy Policy is available here.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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Updated August 2012.
Adventists on Twitter
By now, there are quite a few Seventh-day Adventists on Twitter. So we've created a list of some notable Adventist Twitter accounts. Click on the one of the categories to jump to that list.
If you would like to be added to the list, just email us or send us tweet.
A Sabbath Blog on Twitter
View all Twitter lists by A Sabbath Blog
- Adventist Church Conferences
- Adventist Musicians
- Adventist News Organizations
- Adventist Organizations & Ministries
- Adventist Speakers
- Adventist Universities
Monday, June 18, 2007
Note on Adventist News Network Articles
A Sabbath Blog occasionally republishes Adventist News Network (ANN) articles and photographs. On its website, ANN states that it encourages the reproduction of its articles and photographs:
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More information on the reproduction requirements of ANN articles and photographs are available at the ANN website.
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