Sample video from
The Adventist Church has partnered with a video distributor's website, Biggy TV for getting professional Seventh-day Adventist-produced videos "to a vast and largely untapped Internet audience."
Content on The Adventist Channel -- ranging from health and wellness programs to music and mission videos -- can be added directly to North America's more than 5,500 individual church Web sites, says Fred Kinsey, the region's church communication director.
"We're offering incredible content a church in, say, Omaha, Nebraska, can't get by itself," says Kinsey. "Digital video of this quality would be too expensive to create and distribute. It's free for us, so it's free for them." According to Kinsey, The Adventist Channel will add a dozen new videos each week.
The Adventist Channel, he adds, is not meant to replace or meddle with other church media, such as Hope Television. We want to figure out how to 'cross-pollinate' between HopeTV and The Adventist Channel.
You can see the site at
Source: Adventist News Network