As of last weekend, the General Conference Youth Department has a new website with a new design. See for yourself at

As of last weekend, the General Conference Youth Department has a new website with a new design. See for yourself at
Labels: All Posts, General Conference, News, Pathfinders, Websites, Young Adult, Younger Kids, Youth
The Adventist world church president's annual holiday message will be broadcast starting today. Catch it tonight at 7:30pm on the Hope Channel. Read more...
AudioVerse is a website that provides sermon and devotional downloads free of cost for private, non-commercial usage. These downloads are usually from events such youth rallies and conferences.
If you missed last night's keynote speaker, Justin McNeilus, at the 2008 Generation of Youth for Christ conference, you can hear it online at The website also provides it as a free, legal download.
Watch GYC 2008 live on these online video feeds. To watch the GYC programming LIVE you must tune in from 10PM to 12AM EST, 7PM to 10PM PST on Dec 17-21, 2009.
Related posts: GYC
If you're wanting to get your classmates or youth group involved on a mission trip, We Care may be your answer. A ministry of the Center for Youth Evangelism, We Care Mission Trips is a service that offers mission trips to youth groups. They take care of all the logistics of a mission trip such as food, lodging, and local transportation. ¹
So what kind of projects do they provide? Well, it depends on hat your group would like to do. Vacation Bible Schools, construction, renovation, urban ministries, Week of Prayer, other community service projects, and more. ²
Promotional video from We Care:
Source: Adventist News Network
Attention all photographers, photojournalists, and random people reading this website:
Adventist News Network is holding a contest for youth ages 14-17. You can submit photos for the "ANN 2009 Best Youth Photos Contest" by April 1, 2009. The "winning submissions will be published the week before the Adventist Church's International Youth Sabbath on April 11." ¹
Additionally, ANN will be holding a photo contest for adults in which the deadline is the end of 2009.
You can also expect to see changes at Adventist News Network's website starting after the year-end holiday break. ANN is redesigning their website, encouraging "readers to share their comments and become participants in news, photos, comments and opinions," and include a new news layout. ²
For contest rules and more details, click here.
Source: Adventist News Network
The are many areas of the world where church members don't have church service in a regular church building. Many gather in small groups at other members' homes because they don't have their own church building. Groups in these areas tend to grow very quickly and outgrow their current location, so they have to relocate. The problem is that every time a church relocates, you usually "lose about 30 percent of the original membership."¹ So how do we fix this problem?
Maranatha and ASI² have come up with a solution: the "One-Day Chruch."
Amazing video. How much more must God love you and me!
A new audiobook series of the New Testament has been released called, "The Word of Promise Next Generation." Like other audiobooks, it's like listening to a dramatized story from a CD or MP3 player. The twist in this recording of the Bible is that it features the voices of several well-known celebrities.* These actors and singers provide the voices to Bible characters such as Jesus, Peter, John, Mary Magdalene, Matthew, and so on...
Some of the actors include Cody Linley (Hannah Montana, Dancing with the Stars) who plays Jesus, Jordin Sparks (American Idol 2007 winner) provides the voice of Elizabeth, Corbin Bleu (High School Musical) plays Peter, Emily Osment (Hannah Montana, Spy Kids) acts as Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Alyson Stoner (Cheaper by the Dozen, Camp Rock) plays Martha. Of course, more celebrities are involved in the production than those mentioned above.
At A Sabbath Blog, we love to share how people are creative in sharing Jesus. Below is an awesome video of Dr. Wintley Phipps at Carnegie Hall singing "Amazing Grace." He explains the fascinating history behind one of the best-known hymns of all time. Almost 5 million people have viewed the YouTube videos of Wintley Phipps' rendition on Amazing Grace.*
New Desmond Doss Theatrical Movie
A new Desmond Doss Feature Film is in the works! And no, we're not talking about the 2004 documentary, "The Contentious Objector." Adventist filmmaker Terry Benedict (writer and director for "The Contentious Objector") will be working with Bristol Bay Productions and Walden Media to create the new movie. Walden Media co-produced "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."
Desmond Doss was an Adventist medic in the US Army during World War II. He saved the lives of more than 75 soldiers by lowering them over a 400 foot cliff in the midst of extremely heavy fire. Despite being ridiculed by his fellow soldiers, Doss refused to carry a gun. He received the United States' highest military award, Congressional Medal of Honor.
"The Ultimate Workout is an annual two-week mission trip for teenagers, ages 14-18. Projects typically take place in Latin America and India. Volunteers work together to construct churches or schools, teach Vacation Bible School, and coordinate community service activities."
One day, a lawyer comes up and asks Jesus a question:
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’" Matthew 22:36-39 (NKJV)
The following is a great video by youth pastor Josue Sanchez out in Maryland as posted on YouTube and theFlow.
Source: Adventist News NetworkImagine this: As you sit down for church service during a Pathfinder camporee, you find the president or prime minister of your country in a Pathfinder uniform!
This was the reality for Pathfinders attending a camporee in Antigua last week. Antigua Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer is now a second-year honorary Pathfinder. The prime minister stayed throughout the 5-day event, as well as through the entire church service.
3,000 Pathfinders attended the event from around the Caribbean from August 14-18, 2008. The camporee included a parade of over 8,000 people on Saturday. They marched through St. John's calling for people to rejecting drugs and violence, while asking people to commit to Christ.
You can read more about the camporee and of the prime minister's visit, at Adventist News Network.
With nearly 2 million members around the world, Pathfinders is a coed service organization for youth ages 10-16 by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Insight Magazine's all new video competition, G5, has arrived!
Send in either an animation or live-action video referencing 1 or more of the Fruits of Spirit, and you could win an iPod Touch (or $300)! Be sure to send in your video before midnight of October 15, 2008 for your video to be accepted into the contest. If you need to freshen up on your Fruits of the Spirit, turn in the Bible to Galatians 5:22-23.
So grab a video camera, and start yelling "Action!"
For more details click here.
So we were playing with my favorite soccer ball in a nearby parking lot. We were running and scoring, having a great time! But with every bounce, roll, and kick, my soccer ball naturally got really dirty. Soon, black streaks covered the ball thanks to the fact we were playing on asphalt. No longer did the ball look squeaky clean and brand new. In fact, it looked more like it had survived some sort of war! After a while, the black streaks started bothering me, so I decided it needed to be cleaned.
This reminded me of God and His awesome grace. We all tend to stain ourselves with sin. Unfortunately, that's our sinful nature. But the good news is that we can always go to Jesus, asking Him to forgive us for our sins.
Here's the most important part: There's no way my soccer ball can clean itself and neither can we. Thankfully, God can make us like new again. He's the only One that makes us clean.... all we have to do is be willing.
UPDATE (7/17/08): is now up and running, ready for kids to learn more about God.
Source: Adventist News Network
A Seventh-day Adventist pioneer in pediatric neurosurgery who overcame childhood poverty and achieved worldwide renown received the highest civilian award bestowed by the United States government on June 19.
I've been seeing this in emails and all over the web.... So in case you haven't read it already, I thought I'd share it with you!
Ah, summer! For those of us living in North America, the time of year has finally returned to be filled with water sports and bright, sunny days! With school now extinct from kids' minds, many will flock toward nearby summer camps.
So if you are one of the many that will be attending a summer camp this year, here's a list of all the Adventist summer camps in North America:
Source: Adventist News Network
New York Times best-selling author and researcher, Dan Buettner has found 5 pockets around the world where people live longer, healthier, and happier lives than the surrounding population. He calls these pockets, the Blue Zones, and has authored a National Geographic book, called "The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest" (National Geographic Books, 2008).
According to Buettner, Loma Linda, California is America's Blue Zone. The researcher found that the Adventist lifestyle in the southern California Adventist community is shown to increase longevity. He cited habits common among Adventists, such as the Sabbath rest and a plant-based diet.
Also finding a connection between healthier lives and God, Buettner states: "I can tell you that of the 200 plus centenarians I interviewed [for the book], 99 percent believed in God, so faith seems to factor fairly prominently."
Would you look at that! Turns out that our parents have been right when they've taught us about God, and made us to eat our veggies!
Learn more about the Loma Linda Blue Zone.
To learn more about Buettner's research and to take a life expectancy test visit
You can also learn about the Adventist Health Studies by clicking here.
Adventist Review's¹ cover story recently featured MySpace and other social networking. Stephanie Kinsey and Tyler Kraft² try answering questions such as: "What roles do social networks play in the lives of Adventsts?" Are these interactive sites really witnessing tools? With many users living different lives online than the ones they portay in real life, how should Christians be like on these sites?
If you don't get Adventist Review, or can't find one lying around at your church, you can read the article online: Click here.
Also, according to Ground 7 News, the General Conference expects to have its own MySpace-like website by this summer.
¹The Adventist Review is the Flagship journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
²Stephanie Kinsey is the communication director at the Northern California Conference Tyler Kraft is the communication assistant there.
Source: Adventist News Network
The 19th and final episode of "Let's Talk" will be airing live on the the church's Hope Channel and it's website at 5 p.m. local (10 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time). In this last episode of the series, the president Jan Paulsen will be in Bucharest, Romania taking questions directly from Adventist youth.
"Let's Talk" is a live, unscripted broadcast of dialogues between the Adventist world church president and Adventist youth. Over the course of five years, the church leader has met young Adventists from 30 countries in live forums in Africa, South America, Australia, Europe, Asia and North America.
Even though the TV series is ending, you can still ask the president questions and make comments at the "Let's Talk" website.
Paulsen is also scheduled to host a live, unscripted dialogue with pastors in Europe in the second installment of "Pastors: In Conversation." The broadcast is set for May 28 in London at 7 p.m. local time (2 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time).
You can read more about "Let's Talk" at their official website and at the Adventist News Network.
(More: "Let's Talk")
Joe Reeves: I first heard about what the Youth Department of the General Conference is planning after we were nearing the public release of our site. Youth workers everywhere are recognizing the need for these types of services.
Here in the US, popular TV contest/reality show American Idol, had a special episode a few weeks ago. It was called "Idol Gives Back," in which the show raised funds to help certain people in need. Towards the end of the show, the contestants sang, "Shout to the Lord," which pleasantly surprised me, for this is more of a secular TV show.
American Idol has a viewing audience of somewhere over 30 million viewers. I don't expect someone out there to be impacted by singing a simple song we as Christians are so used to singing in church services and youth camps, but perhaps it did impacted someone out there. Maybe, maybe not.... we may find out one day! :)
The 2009 Courage to Stand International Pathfinder Camporee. August 11-15, 2009
Labels: All Posts, All Videos, CTS Camporee, Events, General Conference, Pathfinders, Youth
A few days ago, I saw a group of little purple dots, scattered over a little patch of grass. I bent over to get a closer look, and discovered that those dots were actually really small flowers!
Seeing the small flowers reminded me of something comforting that Jesus said many years ago. Jesus was telling His people about God's love and how He will provide for our needs:
"Why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow. They don't work hard to make their clothes. But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasn't as well clothed as one of them. God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. He will surely do even more for you! Why do you have such little faith?" Matthew 6:28-30 (CEV)
And here's what Jesus had to say about those birds that fly over my head and land those really thin power lines:
"Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest. They don't even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren't you worth more than birds?" Matthew 6:26 (CEV)
I have absolutely no idea what kind of flower I almost stepped on, but I can count that not only does my Heavenly Father know but He cares for me too!
Sabbath Tip #0005: "Lights, Camera, Action!"
by A Sabbath Blog
This week's idea is on making a Christian movie. Simply grab a video camera and start filming!
You can be as creative and as elaborate as you want. You could make a nature video, a Christian music video, a documentary on how your parents became Christians, a tour of your church, a Biblical reenactment, etc.....
Making a movie is a great way to get your message a cross to a large audience. After you've saved your movie, share your movie with your friends, neighborhood, Sabbath school, whoever! You might also want to upload it to the Internet. You can upload for free to websites such as YouTube, Guide Magazine, Insight Magazine, or A Sabbath Blog and have your film seen by people from around the world!*
*Have your parents review your video for your safety. Obtain their permission and anyone in the video's permission before you upload it to the Internet!
Beanie Tunes is a Christian comic strip series that can be found online at the Beanie Tunes website. It follows the adventures of characters at Beanston Junior High and Pike Elementary. These comics have Christian morals, having Bible verses through out the episodes. Though the editors of Beanie Tunes aren't payed to make the comics and do it on their free time, you can help them in their cause by purchasing special editions that aren't available on their website.
We wanted to learn more about the comics, so we chatted with the Beanie Tunes editors. Here are a few excerpts from the interview:
A Sabbath Blog: So, first off, tell me a little bit about these comics that you guys create...
Beanie Tunes: We lived most of our life in California, and it was there that the comics began. We had and still have a large collection of Beanie Babies, and the origins of Beanie Tunes lie in comics written about a core group of Beanies (Ty Beanie Babies) that we did every Sabbath at church or slightly afterward. They became quite popular and eventually were published in a local newspaper. Eventually, the comic expanded with new characters such as Scaly, a few more sharks, and many others, in addition to the creation of Season 2.
ASB: You have quite a few characters in your comics. Is there one main character, or are there a group of characters that are, indeed, the main characters?
BT: To answer your question, probably Hornsly, Mooch Junior, Rainbow, Inky, and Crunch are the main characters. There are [also] three central groups of characters at Beanston Junior High. One group is ‘Rainbow and Friends’, comprising of Rainbow, She-Rainbow, Iggy, and She-Iggy (Rainbow and She-Rainbow are not related; Iggy is She-Iggy’s older brother). ‘Hornsly and the Gang’ is another group, consisting of Hornsly, Tornsly, and Warnsly. ‘The Mooch Group’ stands in the middle of the conflict between Hornsly and Rainbow. We won’t mention the Pike Elementary groups yet because they haven’t been featured in the episodes. -- [ASB Note: You can read more about the characters here]
ASB: What do you hope to accomplish by having Beanie Tunes on the web?
BT: We hope to make them available to people through the Internet. By exposing the world to Christian values, we hope these comics will lead people accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
ASB: So, what's in store for Beanie Tunes (in the future)?
BT: It has been said that Beanie Tunes has seven seasons planned, although we will not confirm this. Odd seasons take place during the school year (in the comic), whereas even seasons happen in the summertime. Season Three will feature more underwater action at Pike Elementary (Inky and Crunch’s school).
Here's an exclusive look at one of the special edition episodes of Beanie Tunes from the upcoming Season 3 (not yet released). Click on the image to enlarge. Enjoy!
"Crunch and Da' Bunch"
"Teacher Scaly's Bible Remedies: 'Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.' Mark 5:19 (NKJV)"
Click here to visit the Beanie Tunes Website
If you or someone you know make comics or kinds of artwork to let others know more about God, let us know about it at
Sabbath Tip #0004: "Prayer Chain"
by A Sabbath Blog
There's nothing like finding out that there's someone out there praying for you, especially when like gets tough. Here's an idea:
Pray for someone you know that may be going through something difficult. You can ask God to be with them, and to give them the strength and peace they may need. Be sure to also pray that they may know that God loves them and is with them "through thick and thin."
Send them a nice card or ecard anonymously, telling them that they are on your mind and that you are praying for them. Make sure they don't know who sent it to them. :)
Mark Darrough drowned last Sunday near a California beach, while trying to save a drowning girl. His daughter, Jessica, died last Tuesday morning after being on life support.
The Ceres Seventh-day Adventist Church Pathfinder club was on a field trip to visit the tide pools at Point Lobos State Reserve. Afterwards, they had stopped at Monastery Beach, which is part of Carmel River State Beach, because the kids wanted to "visit a beach with sand."
The group had just arrived at the beach and was rethinking whether it was safe to be there when a 13-year-old member of the group was swept into the water. Several people went into the water to try to rescue the girl, including the Darroughs. Noe Gomez was finally able to pull the 13-year old out of the water, but the Darroughs were "overwhelmed by the waves and undertow."
Jessica, 23, was pulled out of the water first. Mark, 47, was later pulled out; he was in the water for nearly 40 minutes.
Please keep their family and friends in your prayers.
Ceres Seventh-day Adventist Church
The Modesto Bee (newspaper article)
A few months ago, we were seeing talks about the need for Adventist social networking websites. Well, Insight Magazine has just recently released it's own social networking website for youth. They're calling it, "theFlow, where people talk about the Water of Life." You can create your own page like on Facebook or MySpace and add videos, pictures, and blogs. You can join groups and jump into discussions in theFlow's forums.
Nick Bejarano is the marketing manager for Insight Magazine. When we asked what theFlow's purpose and missions were, this was his take:
"We wanted to connect with youth more on their level and interact with them in a way they feel comfortable with (social networking). Secondly we want to create a place where youth of all faiths can come and learn about ours. Our website receives a lot of traffic from non-SDA's, so this site is open to anyone looking for answers not just SDA youth. And thirdly, we're hoping to create relationships and not just network. Relationships is the key to discipleship and ministering to the most basic need for companionship and friendship."
The new site is hosted by, a website that allows anyone to create their own "myspace-like" websites. To join theFlow, you need to create an account with, which is easy since you can register without leaving theFlow's website.
Check 'em out:
Circulating throughout the Internet, this story has a deep meaning.
A nine-year-old was kid sitting at his desk when suddenly there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened. It's never happened before, and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they'll never speak to him again as long as he lives.
The boy believes his heart is going to stop; he puts his head down and prays this prayer, "Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now! Five minutes from now I'm dead meat"
He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered.
As the teacher is walking toward him, a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie trips in front of the teacher and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap. The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, "Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!"
Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy is the object of sympathy. The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym short to put on while his pants dry out. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else..... Susie.
She tries to help, but they tell her to get out. "You've done enough, you klutz!"
Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"
Susie whispers back, "I wet my pants once too."
A few weeks ago, I watched as a baby girl slowly took a small step. A few seconds later, she took another step. She would glance up at her mom, holding her own little hands in her mom's larger hands. As her mom slowly stepped backwards, the baby girl took another step forwards.
Thinking back, I start to realize it's the same with my heavenly father. He's not going to allow me to go through something that I can't handle. And even when I get myself into a tough situation, I know that I can trust my heavenly Dad to help me through.
That baby girl trusted her mom, she knew she wasn't going to drop her to do something else. Her mom was there for her baby. She helped her little girl to walk towards her. I believe the more we put our trust in God, the closer we are able to walk towards our heavenly Father.
1 Corinthians 10:13, Phillipians 4:13
Here's a song written by Adventist musician Peter Dixon. His song, "Standing at the Cross" was featured on the 2nd Quarter 2006 Adventist Mission DVD. Here, it's performed by Justin Michael.
"Standing at the Cross"
Written by Peter Dixon
Copyright 2004
To learn more about Adventist musicians' exposure on the quarterly Adventist Mission DVDs, click here.
When Jesus came to Earth, what did He do? OK well, He did a lot of teaching, healing, performing tons of miracles..... Sure, He did plenty of amazing things, but all of these things have something in common. Everything He did showed that He cared about the people he spent time with and eventually died for. With every miracle, and every new insight that He showed us, He was always with people, and did things for people.
But what if Jesus had decided to perform miracles from a distance? Would it have had a difference? What if Jesus had set up a chair under a shady tree, where it's nice and cool, and had the sick walk to Him from all over the area? How would we have perceived Him? Would we still think of Him as the kind and loving God we know Him to be?
Fortunately Jesus was and is close to people. He spent time with people. He went over for dinner in their homes. He let kids come to him even when his own disciples rejected them. He went and healed lepers while others ran away from them. Jesus is very person-oriented. His love for us is indescribable.
Which bring us to this week's Sabbath Tip which was sent to us by "forevertrusting." It's all about being people-oriented. When you spend time with people you really show that you care about them. More importantly, you're reflecting what Jesus did.
Sabbath Tip #0003: "Hangin' Out"
by "forevertrusting"
Source: Adventist News Network
If you wanna catch the president of the Seventh-day Adventist world church on TV, February 11th's your chance. It is the first time the president of the Adventist Church has granted an interview to a major international television network.
"We've never, as a church, had the opportunity to present our face to the public in this manner," said Pastor Jan Paulsen. He later told Adventist News Network, "We have something to say to the public, not only when we run the evangelistic campaigns or when we preach Sabbath morning. We represent a community of so many values. People will know about us in the most unbiased, informed way if we tell them ourselves."
Night Talk's Mike Schneider asked questions about the church's history, growth and diversity, as well as its relation to contemporary issues.
The president's interview with Night Talk will air on Bloomberg TV in the United States, Europe and Asia on February 11, 2007 at 10 PM EST (UST-5).
Update: Video
Sabbath Tip #0002: "The List"
by A Sabbath Blog
People are always making lists for everything: grocieries, expenses, favorite things, Christmas presents, resolutions, packing for a trip, homework, agendas, etc...
Just like some people make a list of the things they would like to do in their lifetime, make a Sabbath idea list. Write down ideas, as simple or wild as they may be, that you'd like to do on Saturdays with your friends, or family.
There you go! Just select an idea or activity that would fit in to your current situation! Now you can spend less time moping, and more time enjoying your Sabbaths!
P.S. Tell us what you like to do on Sabbath afternoons at
The 2008 NAD Youth Ministries/Young Adult Leadership Summit: "IGNITION" starts in a little over 2 weeks. The bi-annual event held in Dallas, Texas will six general sessions, seminars and workshops, forums, and lots more! The meetings are all young adults and those who minister with them.
Featured speakers for the summit include: George Barna, Benjamin Lundquist, Ann Roda, Elden Ramirez and Eddie Hypolite. Special guests and musical groups will also be there including: Vocal Union, The Dynamic Praise Gospel Choir, Lance Mishleau, Willy Ramos, True!mprov, SONscreen, and Steve Case.
“It is our hope that every church will send their young adults and leaders to IGNITION,” shared Elder James Black, director for North American Division Youth/Young Adult Ministries. This is one event those involved with youth/young adult ministries don't want to miss!
For more information on the meetings click here. To register for this event click here or call 800-732-7587
IGNITION is February 14-17, 2008 at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Dallas, TX.
Source: Adventist News Network - (1/3/08) (1/7/08)
Church leaders evacuated 286 students, staff and international workers from Seventh-day Adventist-owned University of Eastern Africa, Baraton (UEAB) to Nairobi on January 6.
Earlier, church leaders in Kenya reported that about 200 students, staff and faculty at the UEAB are taking refuge at a nearby police station after officers escorted them on December 31 from the campus, which was surrounded by a mob.
Pr. Ceaser Wamalika, who is a chaplain at the University, shared his eyewitness account of the Decmeber 31st incident on the Ground 7 News podcast. The following is a direct transcript from the podcast:
"Shortly after the Kenyan national elections had been announced and there was a dispute, and the people had been watching it through the television. We heard noises, people shouting in the market nearby, and as we looked we saw crowds of people and they were singing war songs in their local language. And they came, they went round, and they came to the campus, to the gate-- the main entrance to the campus and we could tell that there was some, eh, something going on with the security people at gate."
UEAB, aeriel view
"And then when we moved there they were demanding to storm the University. Their demand was that all the faculty and the staff who belong to the Kikuyu community, where the President comes from, together with the Kamba and the Kisii, who did not vote for the opposition, they wanted them out of the campus.
So we tried to talk to the crowd [-indiscernible-] which was about a thousand people, we tried to talk to them, pleading with them, that this [is] a Christian institution. They could not listen. So, lucky enough and maybe to God's providence, a police vehicle came and two police men came out-- they were armed and they came, talked to the crowd. They took about an hour, talking to them, and the crowd became a bit calm because they were having their machetes, their clubs ready for war.
And then the police called us aside and said, 'The only way you save this university from being stormed is by releasing these people. Take them out, let us escort them for their safety to the police station.' So we informed our faculty who come from those ethnic groups and the students. We gave them about half minutes to pack up and they leave. And we put them in our University vehicles, three of them, and the police escorted..."
According to the UEAB website, the university is planning on reopening this Monday, January 14th.
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Kenya is providing emergency food assistance and medical supplies for displaced and affected families in coordination with other humanitarian agencies in the country.
In a January 3 statement, Adventist world church Executive Secretary Matthew A. Bediako appealed to the people Kenya "to come together and find ways to promote reconciliation." The video was aired on the Hope Channel.
There are more than 560,000 Adventists worshiping in some 3,500 congregations in Kenya.
Unfortunately, lots of people feel that they need a survival handbook to get through every Sabbath. Here at A Sabbath Blog, we've compiled ideas and activities that have helped us in the past. We'll be posting tips and ideas here and there throughout the new year that you might like to try!
Remember, it all starts with a positive mental attitude. If you go home thinking of all the special opportunities for that Sabbath instead of all the things that you can't do, then you'll enjoy your weekly holiday a lot more! Enjoy!
Sabbath Tip #0001: "Bible Illustrations"
by A Sabbath Blog
Create a Biblical cartoon strip about your favorite Bible story.
Pen or pencil
Blank sheet of paper
Here's how:
1.) Read about your favorite biblical story in, of course, the Bible
2.) Create frames such as those found in comics strips
3.) Draw out the characters found in the story and write out speech bubbles
4.) Share with your friends and family
Color in your cartoon strip if you'd like. You can also create your cartoon strip on the computer with the proper software. Post it online if you'd like and witness to millions!
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