The General Conference Session is an event that happens every five years, most recently in North America. People from all around the world are sent to this gathering as delegates to represent church members in their region of the world. These delegates vote and make decisions about important issues that affect the Adventist church around the world. Think of it as a gigantic meeting big that it takes up a sports stadium!
Sheet Music:

(click image to enlarge sheet music)
To learn more about the event, click here.
Legal Note: Music is available as a free, legal download from the Seventh-day Adventist Church's official news agency's website. The music file was not uploaded by A Sabbath Blog. It is streaming from the linked website.
Are you aware of any official translations of the theme song (into French for instance)?
Nice song but it doesn't inspire
me anywhere near "We Have This Hope."
That was a rousing, ready to do things
for the Lord song.
It is inspiring when it is accompanied with a full orchestra as in the sample and sang fast.
Attention: GC Music Dept. Can you provide the instrumental tracks of the theme song so that we can sing it lively in our churches? Please email me when it's available. (
I was blessed today listening the sermon from home. I recognized how important it is "Go Forward" I pray that I will not only see barriers but see freedom. Thank you Mr. President wish for you all the best as you continue to walk with the Lord
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