Saturday, February 27, 2010

Standout 2010 at Andrews University

Standout Promo Video from Deomitrus on Vimeo.

Standout is a spiritual retreat for public high school students. It will be held at Andrews University, in Berrien Springs, Michigan on April 16-18, 2010.

Learn more and register for the event at the Standout official website.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Christian meetings begin in Rome, opposition fails to stop event

Photo by "bezaleel31" on Flickr under
a Creative Commons license.
A series of Christian evangelistic meetings in Rome, began tonight, Feb. 6, just four days after “high ranking authorities” managed to shut down the use of an auditorium for the meetings.

The Italian Union of Seventh-day Adventists had signed a contract with Leo the Great Auditorium for the use of their hall, but were faxed a cancellation notice from the center on Tuesday evening, Feb. 2.

“What we feared has actually come to pass,” said Pastor Shawn Boonstra, the presenter for the event and director of It Is Written. “We have a back-up plan, and nothing is going to stop the preaching of the everlasting gospel here in the city of Rome.”

Event organizers found a large church and worked to develop overflow seating. They had people stationed at the old meeting place and had busses transport attendees to the new meeting place.

After the opening meeting ended, It Is Written filmed a video update with Pastor Boonstra at the new meeting location, describing how things went that night....

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