Friday, December 10, 2010

Meet the new speaker/director of It Is Written

Image credit: Adventist CHIP
Pastor John Bradshaw has just accepted to be the new speaker/director of It Is Written, according to two Adventist conferences' social media pages.

Bradshaw is the senior pastor of the College Place Adventist Church (also known as the Village Church) in College Place, Wash.

He is replacing Shawn Boonstra, who said he is leaving It Is Written due to health problems.

The Florida and Washington Conferences posted the news on Twitter and Facebook, respectively. This confirms a report by A Sabbath Blog saying that Bradshaw was being considered for the job.

Read more about why Boonstra is stepping down.

The Adventist Review shared more about who Bradshaw's life in a Dec. 14 article. Here is an excerpt:

Originally from New Zealand, Bradshaw was a morning radio disc jockey before his conversion, which took place during a trip to the United Kingdom and Ireland. He spent 12 years as an evangelist with Amazing Facts, a supporting Adventist ministry in Roseville, California. He was a pastor in Lexington, Kentucky, for two and one-half years and has been pastor of the Village Church in College Place for 15 months.

It Is Written posted a message on Dec. 11 by Shawn Boonstra announcing the new speaker/director. Below is an excerpt:

His name is Pastor John Bradshaw, a man with a deep commitment to the cause of Christ and an obvious passion for soul-winning. I feel a striking connection with him. He has natural, God-given talents that make him an excellent fit for your It Is Written team, and a warm, Christ-like manner that immediately pulls you in to his experience with Jesus.

He has broad experience in evangelism and broadcasting. John has been an Adventist pastor for 15 years and is currently serving as the pastor of the Village Church near Walla Walla University. He has also held more than 80 evangelistic series, both in the US and abroad.

John Bradshaw introduced himself in a video posted by It Is Written on Dec. 21:

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